
Ball Divas/Children's Day

Bal Divas/Children's Day in Nepal: September 14, 2078 Children's Day or Bal Divas Day is celebrated all over Nepal to honor the children and minors. This is the day when children are given complete freedom to play. Like this

School gets color

The painters have begun! Thanks to all the preliminary work of Nikhil from India, we received a nice offer from Kansai Paint in Kathmandu at the beginning of August for more than 700 liters of paint. The paint was made there by color

Newsletter | June 2021

We are pleased and proud to announce that the first phase of the school project has been completed. Thanks to all family, friends, acquaintances and unknown sponsors who made it possible to realize this. After nine months of hard

Making school posters together

Due to Corona, there is a strict lock-down in Nepal and many people who work in the cities have returned to their families in the villages. So are families from Sailung. The school is also closed in Sailung.

extra school functions and new initiatives

In Sailung, many discussions have since taken place about the possibilities of giving the school a broader meaning. This resulted in a list of activities that can take place in the building. Some of them will start soon, including a

Corona in Sailung

Makar, chairman of the school board, hands out reports, sanitizer and mouth masks. Update June 12; today the reports are handed out and the children get sanitizer and mouth masks to take home. As a precaution, a ribbon has been placed to measure the distance

Project Update April 13, 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2078 The project is still going well. April 14, the Nepalese New Year 2078 has started. In the meantime, we have also started preparations for phase 2 from the foundation; the completion and implementation

Leiden, around the church

In the week before Easter, a nice article about Ton's dream to improve education in Sailung, appeared in the church bulletin “Around the Church of the HH. Peter and Paul Parish Leiden and

4,000 Number of the day

After a number of members of the Rotaryclub Sassenheim had read the interview with Jan Post about the school project in the Leidsch Dagblad, they proposed to invite Jan to make a video presentation about

cheerful Biralo dance We would like to share this cheerful dance with you 
