1 Nov: ZWEELO digital and the village newspaper Aalden Here the entire article 21 September DE TEYLINGER Loading of the 20 foot sea container in April this year June article in Pensioenmagazinemetaal- Elektro PME magazine ONLINE
1 Nov: ZWEELO digital and the village newspaper Aalden Here the entire article 21 September DE TEYLINGER Loading of the 20 foot sea container in April this year June article in Pensioenmagazinemetaal- Elektro PME magazine ONLINE
Newsletter | September 2022 A great goal achieved Dear reader, It is very special to see that a great goal has been achieved! The new school building already fulfills a central function within the community. Newsletter | June 2022 100th student and lots of news Dear reader, It is unbelievable how much there is to report after the newsletter of 3 months ago. Although the new school has not yet been opened for six months,
The new school building has received a lot of attention from the community and the wider area. The opening in November made the local newspaper and recently there was a film crew who covered the school in a documentary
April 19th Marcel and Jeannet took the 3 school bags from Kathmandu to Shailung. The next day the bags were hung up in the classrooms. The children were very curious and could
Support the project Newsletter | March 2022 Latest developments construction, container and more Dear reader, Boy, Ton would have been proud of what his dream has been realized with the construction of the new school
January 26, 2022: The Rotary Club Noordwijk eo donates € 2,500 to Ton Memorial School in Nepal A wonderful start to the new year! In the photo: (from left to right) the incoming chairman Ron Krom, Jan Post and the
sanitary building design After traveling for 4 days by bus, the construction crew of 4 people was able to get off the road near the school on 15 November. They will stay in one of the old corrugated iron classrooms. They are
When at the beginning of October it turned out that the mandatory 10-day quarantine for visitors to Nepal would be abolished, a travel plan was quickly made and the trip to Nepal was booked for 3 weeks. On Friday 29 October, Jan Post flew via
Green light for the 2nd phase On 1 October we were able to give the green light for the 2nd phase of the project: the completion and layout of the extra school functions. The builders have been called up again to