It's great how everything comes together in our project
Think of:
- Furnishing a kitchen so that free (healthy) food for the school children can be provided by local people during class days
- Water buffer system for the school
- Solar energy system
- School garden
- Computer education
- Type of health care costs collective for serious situations. (such as over 1/2 year ago a van that drove into a ravine on its way to a family party with also 3 children from the school, 1 of the children died, the 2 others in the hospital)
- Periodic medical consultations
- Develop community support for non-agricultural income.
- and more

Cees Vrolijk will act as ambassador for the Foundation within the Rotary Club.
It is through the many years of friendship between Cees and Ton van den Brink that we were introduced to the Rotary club Uelsen-Coevorden.
Because the club is a collaboration between German Rotarians and Dutch, a German version of the website has also been made: Club member Gesine van der Zande has been prepared to screen the German site version for language technical issues.
At the beginning of November 2020, a presentation will be given at the Rotary Club about Sailung, the school building and future projects.
We look forward to a good cooperation with many great results for the community in Sailung !!