Now that we have been building for 5 months, the school building is starting to get a clear outline. It is a true art how the construction team, supported by the community with the limited technical resources, builds such a solid building. Above an artist impression; thanks to Sagar.
Walls of former classrooms realized

After the construction team arrived back in Sailung in the last week of January, they immediately started making the floors of the ground floor. After this, the scaffolding was made for the roof construction on which almost 10 cubic meters of concrete was applied. Friday, February 19 was concrete day, together with a large group of women, men and young people from the community, concrete was made and transported all day long. Afterwards a communal meal with chicken. Last week the walls of the first 4 classrooms were made with the white AAC blocks. Type of solid aerated concrete suitable for earthquake-resistant buildings.

AAC Blocks
After consultation with a regional construction inspector, it was found that it would actually be better to use white AAC blocks instead of the traditional red bricks. The blocks have a good heat and sound insulation value. For this Krishna visited 3 production companies around the capital. When, after the necessary calculations regarding material, transport and processing costs, we were able to conclude that we were practically the same in terms of price, 4 truckloads of blocks were quickly ordered.

A few more nice pictures